
Hey, I’m Dakota,

and welcome to my online portfolio.

I’m a huge nerd and got into design originally through video games. Every graphical update was awesome to see and as games got more advanced, so did the design. This made me want to explore the arts, and so, in high school, I began taking classes. Two of them got me into graphic design, one a beginning design course, the other graphic printing. Graphic Printing was a huge grab, to be able to create a design and then transfer that onto a shirt, puzzle, note pad, or more was super cool. Both teachers were very important in my adventure into graphic design and helped put me on the path I’m on today.

For college, I initially started at UW-Whitewater, and then after two years, transferred to Carroll University. The professors at Carroll have helped push me to a greater level of design and encourage learning and growth every day. Carroll is also where I completed my internship. This internship was extremely eye-opening and fun. It was fast paced, independent, and a large learning curve.

In my free time you can usually find me gaming, watching twitch, hanging out with my dog, or, of course, designing. I enjoy traveling and seeing new things, adding to my design inspirations.

Interested in the work you see or want to know more about me? Feel free to reach out! I always look forward to applying what I’ve learned to my work and am constantly looking forward to learning!